Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Fifty Thousand More

New York, 1895


That Sum is Necessary to Build a School That Will be Adequate to the Demands — President McCormick Taught Mr. Crooker a Lesson in Law.

The board of local managers of the Normal school at Jamaica held a meeting in their room in the rear of the Bank Building on Monday afternoon. Trustees Carroll, Childs and Rossister were absent. Mr. Rossister sent in his resignation as a member of the board. He resigns owing to the pressure of his private business. Mr. Carroll's absence was by reason of a death in his family, and that of Senator Childs by reason of his presence in Albany.

President McCormick stated that while in Albany last week he had an interview with State Superintendent Crooker, who showed him the plans of Mr. Janes, which the normal school principals had approved. He called the attention of Superintendent Crooker to the fact that he had ignored the provision of the law in not seeking the concurrence of the State Comptroller. The latter official had never seen the Janes plans and did not know that the State Superintendent had held a meeting of the principals of the normal schools until he was told of it. Mr. Crooker was given to understand very plain that under no circumstances would Mr. Janes be appointed supervising architect of the school, and that the board would adopt the best set of plans, with no reference to any individual.

President McCormick and John R. Reed were appointed a committee to reply to the letter sent to the board by Superintendent Crooker relative to the plans sent to him by the board.

The board passed a resolution requesting the Legislature to increase the appropriation for the school building $50,000, making a total of $150,000. The experience of the board has demonstrated the necessity for a larger building than the first appropriation would provide.

The President and John R. Reed were appointed a committee to draft a bill to be presented to the Legislature. John O'Donnell was added to the committee to attend at Albany and urge the passage of the bill.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, Jan. 25, 1895, p. 12.

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