Sunday, May 18, 2008

Generous Mr. Hardenbrook

New York, 1895

The Women Have no Trouble in Securing a Suitable Hall.

A number of women met in Union Hall Seminary Friday afternoon, for the purpose of effecting an organization to erect a building for the use of the various women's societies of the village of Jamaica. William Hardenbrook offered to build a hall on Hardenbrook avenue to cost $10,000, the building to be ready for occupancy next fall, he to take a mortgage for the entire amount.

Mrs. C. C. Parsons presided at the meeting and Mrs. George K. Meynen recorded.

It was decided to form an organization, and a nominating committee, consisting of Miss Florence N. McCormick, Mrs. Charlotte F. Case, and Mrs. J. A. Kehlbeck, was appointed.

The committee reported the selection of the following as the official staff:

Miss Elizabeth Brenton, president; Mrs. W. S. Cogswell, Mrs. C. A. Beldin, Mrs. Henry L. Nostrand, Mrs. George L. Peck, Miss Cornelia King, Miss Mary L. McCormick, Mrs. Charles A. Lockwood, Mrs. John J. McLaughlin, Mrs. J. Lawrence Bogart, Mrs. Isaac C. Hendrickson, Mrs. Thomas Wayne, Mrs. George Cook and Mrs. E. N. Witzel, vice presidents; Mrs. George K. Meynen, secretary, and Mrs. C. M. Kirby, treasurer. The nominees were elected. Committees were appointed as follows:

Executive — Mrs. J. Howard Hobbs, Mrs. L. L. Fosdick, Mrs. P. K. Meynen, Mrs. John Kendall Dunn and Mrs. John L. Wyckoff.

Entertainment — Mrs. C. K. Beldin, Mrs. S. J. Scovil, Mrs. L. Belknap, Mrs.

J. Brown, Jr., Mrs. William W. Gillen, Mrs. John B. Fleury and Mrs. E. R. Skidmore.

Miss Florence N. McCormick, Mrs. J. K. Dunn and Mrs. L. L. Fosdick were appointed a committee on constitution, to report at the next meeting.

The communication from Mr. Hardenbrook was accepted. Mr. Hardenbrook will convey two lots of ground for the building.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, Feb. 1, 1895, p. 12.

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