Friday, May 23, 2008

McLaughlin's Star Chamber

New York, 1895

To gratify the spite of Excise Commissioner Bauman, Counselor McLaughlin's star chamber inquiry was resumed on Wednesday and further search was made for evidence that Emanuel Miller had violated the law. The town will by and by have a pretty sum to pay for this folly. There are a score of saloons doing an unlicensed business with wide open doors, and a hundred more doing business in violation of their license, but nothing is done as to any of them. Henry Camden, Tammany Taylor, Len Brown and Edward Kelly were examined, but none of them had drunk anything in Miller's.

Why is not Bauman examined? He is said to have drank there many times at Miller's expense. Such a farce as this should not be carried on at public expense.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, Feb. 15, 1895, p. 12.

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