Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Great Railroad Strike

New York, 1895

Sheriff Doht's Deputies Have Quit in a Body.

The strike of the motormen and conductors on the Brooklyn trolley lines continues. During the week the militia have been guarding the property of the companies, and there have been some exciting scenes. East New York is like an armed camp. The mobs have rained stones on the soldiers and several persons have been shot. Two have died. The back of the strike seemed yesterday to be broken.

The New York Herald of yesterday said that Sheriff Doht's deputies had gone on strike. He is guarding the railroad building at Ridgewood. The deputies say they were promised $3 a day. Wednesday evening, when the Sheriff paid them off, he gave them but $2 a day, and they quit work in a body.

When the Sheriff comes to present his bill to the county it will be interesting to note how much he charges for the men's services. He is not entitled to charge any more than he pays out, and the Supervisors should see that he doesn't.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, Jan. 25, 1895, p. 12.

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