Friday, June 6, 2008

They Ignore the Mayor

New York, 1895

The Long Island City excise commissioners have from time to time received communications from Mayor Sanford, clergymen and even the liquor dealers' association, protesting against the granting of new licenses. The communications have been received by the board with the utmost courtesy, but, notwithstanding the protests, the commissioners have continued to grant new licenses.

Mayor Sanford recently called Michael T. Mitchell, president of the board, and Commissioner Lankow to account. It is said that the Mayor has threatened to prefer charges and have the commissioners removed if the occurrence is repeated.

Boycotting a Market

The farmers of Bay Side, Great Neck and Little Neck have decided to boycott the Harlem produce market. The market company compels the farmers to hire carriers of the company's selection and pay them a fee. The farmers say they do not need the services of these men. Consequently they will send no more produce to the Harlem market.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, March 8, 1895, p. 1.

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