Thursday, June 12, 2008

Notes of Spring Politics

New York, 1895

The Good Government Club Will Nominate a Ticket.

It seems to be settled that the Good Government club of Jamaica will put a ticket in the field for town officers this spring.

Oscar Denton of Queens is looking for the Republican nomination for assessor. Edward Bourke is said to have the inside track, although he is a Democrat.

J. V. B. Voris will be a candidate for the Democratic nomination for overseer of the poor.

B. Frank Wood will get the Republican nomination for justice. His plea is that he has sunk $3,500 in his newspaper and the party must do something for him. As a justice he could get the money back, but the people would have to pay it.

Recent attacks on Judge Lester have decided him to become a candidate for re-election. He does not propose to be turned down by would be swindlers and bribe-takers. He thinks that a majority of the people, aside from politics, admire a man who has the courage to do his duty under all circumstances. Judge Lester is that kind of a man.

Abram Hart is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for overseer of the poor. Mr. Hart is in the real estate business and a property owner at Dunton.

John Covert, of Ozone Park, commonly called "Uncle John," is looking for excise commissioner on an independent ticket. He says the town is going to the devil with so many saloons, and he will reform it. He believes an independent ticket will be elected this spring. He is willing to put in one year without pay.

Paul Barthel and John Ludlam are among the Democrats spoken of for assessor.

It is said that George E. Tilly would like to run for assessor on the Republican ticket.

The Democrats of the town will hold primaries in the several election districts to-night. The convention to nominate candidates will be held at the Town Hall on Tuesday at 2 o'clock. The Republican convention meets on the same day.

Lorenzo Lovejoy and Edward Grausback of Morris Park are aspiring for the nomination for justice of the peace, the former on the Democratic ticket, the latter on the Republican ticket.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, March 22, 1895, p. 1.

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