Friday, June 20, 2008

The Nominees of the Good Government Party

New York, 1895

The Good Government Association of Jamaica have made the following nominations and filed them with the town clerk: Justice of the peace, George Lester; assessor, John H. Ludlum; highway commissioner, John M. Baylis; overseer of the poor, Michael Baisley; constables, Benjamin A. Ashmead, Charles W. Baylis, Charles Rose, John S. Hendrickson and Charles Mutter; excise commissioner, Charles W. Waldron.

Sharp Contests in the Hempstead Republican Convention

The Republican town convention of Hempstead was held on Wednesday to nominate candidates for town offices. For assessors and excise commissoners there were hot contests. There was a tie three times before Jacob Valentine was nominated for assessor. The following candidates were named: For justice of the peace, Eustace H. Wheeler; highway commissioner, Jesse M. Territ; trustee of public cemetery, Treadwell P. Eldred; overseers of the poor, Charles F. Gittens, Charles C. Watts; assessors, James B. Raynor, Jacob Valentine, Robert J. Wood, Daniel L. Demott, Joseph Langdon; Excise commissioner, S. A. Smith.

The Republicans of Newtown Name Candidates for Town Offices

The Republican town convention at Newtown Monday made the following nominations:

For justice of the peace — Joseph W. Cleary, of Corona.

For highway commissioner (full term) — Stephen A. Spratt, of Maspeth.

For highway commissioner (vacancy) — Robert Evans, of Glendale.

For assessor — John Niederstein, of Middle Village.

For overseer of the poor — Bernhard Becker of Winfield and Frank Willis of Maspeth.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, March 29, 1895, p. 1.

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