Thursday, June 12, 2008

Strong's Causeway Improvement

New York, 1895

Bids for making the improvements on Strong's causeway, which connects Flushing and Newtown, were opened in Flushing on Tuesday. Tuohy & Co. were awarded the contract for doing the work in Flushing, at 30 cents per cubic yard for dirt, and 36 cents per cubic yard for filling with ashes. Frank Monteverde was awarded the contract for the work in Newtown, at 28 cents for earth and 34 cents for ashes.

Democratic Ticket In the Field

The Democratic primary held at Glen Cove on Tuesday resulted in the nomination of Walter Franklin for justice of the peace, Benjamin W. Craft for collector, and James Little for excise commissioner. The convention was largely attended.

Republican Nominations Made

The Republican convention for the town of Babylon was held Tuesday and these nominations made: Justice of the Peace, T. C. Fletcher; collector, Joshua Smalling; commissioner of highways, Solomon Smith; assessor, William Hirsh; overseer of the poor, August Bubb.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, March 22, 1895, p. 1.

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