Monday, July 7, 2008

The Public Business

New York, 1895


Petition for Highland Avenue Improvement Withdrawn for Correction — Excise Fees the Same as Last Year — Highway Commissioners Pay Land Damages.

The town board held a meeting at the Town Hall on Friday. Supervisor Everitt presided. Justice Lester was absent. The request of the town assessors for use of the room on the east side of the hall was granted, with the understanding that the town assessment maps and safe are to be left in the receiver's room. The yearly report of H. C. Derby, of Ozone Park, town poundmaster, was read and ordered placed on file. Mr. Derby was re-appointed poundmaster.

On motion of Justice Hendrickson, John W. Murphy was re-appointed janitor of the Town Hall.

The following bills were ordered paid: Hendrickson & Co., lime and lath for repairs in Town Hall, $3.25; John S. Hendrickson, services as deputy sheriff, $5.50; Hilton, Hughes & Co., carpets, shades, etc, for Town Hall, $193.96; Hugh J. Swift, services as constable, $19.50.

Bills for services as poll clerks and inspectors of election were audited in the sum of $60. The bill of Henry Bauman, $54, for services as excise commissioner was laid over until such time as the commissioners file their book with the town clerk.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, April 26, 1895, p. 8.

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