Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A New Highway Law

New York, 1895

Governor Morton has signed a bill amending the highway law of this State by providing that residents of incorporated villages shall not vote for Commissioners of Highways nor for or against any highway appropriation.

Will Mr. Wyckoff Resign?

Before the election for trustees it was rumored that Mr. Wyckoff would resign if certain candidates then named were elected. All of them have been elected. Now will Mr. Wyckoff resign?

Retirement of Mr. Harris

Charles H. Harris has retired from the management of the Long Island railroad company's business in Jamaica, after a service of nearly forty years. The record which Mr. Harris has made for fidelity to the company's interests could not be excelled, and the town has been benefited by his constancy and influence with the company. An officer of the company states that not a single complaint has been received against the management of the company's affairs in four years, and they regret exceedingly the loss of Mr. Harris' services.

Normal School Commission

The board of local managers of the State Normal school at Jamaica held a meeting on Saturday. Governor McCormick, president of the board, presided. Senator Childs and President McCormick gave a history of the effort that had been made to deprive Jamaica of the school building. They have every assurance that the appropriation of $100,000 will be made and that the $50,000 additional would be had also. The bill appropriating $100,000 passed the Senate on Friday.

A committee consisting of John R. Reid, Isaac C. Hendrickson and Francis R. Clair was appointed to attend at Albany on Tuesday last and consult with the superintendent of public instruction and the comptroller as to plans for the school building.


Adolph Herzog has moved his segar and sporting goods store to the building just vacated by Edwin Johanknecht, corner of North Washington and Fulton streets, Jamaica. [1895 advertisement]

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, May 3, 1895, p. 8.

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