Friday, July 18, 2008

Huntington Fair Grounds Sold

New York, 1895

J. W. Sherman will Erect a New Club-House.

The fair grounds of the Long Island Live Stock and Fair Association, at Huntington, have been sold to J. W. Sherman, a New York commission merchant, for $60,000.

Mr. Sherman intends to make the grounds a centre for good trotting races. A number of men are now at work on the mile track, rounding and improving it. The stable, with accomodations for 700 horses, will be improved.

In one corner of the ground Mr. Sherman will have erected a spacious clubhouse. It will be fitted up with a billiard hall and bowling alleys. A bicycle track will be one of the features.

To Remove a Railroad Depot

The Board of Railroad Commissioners met at Glen Cove on Thursday to consider the removal of the railroad depot to another part of the village. The removal was opposed by a number of citizens upon the ground that the new site would not be convenient. There were also present a large number of taxpayers in favor of moving the depot. The Commissioners reserved decision.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, May 3, 1895, p. 1.

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