Thursday, July 24, 2008

Forest Fire Near Brentwood

New York, 1895

A forest fire started in the woods north of Brentwood Friday. A call was made on the village for help and after hours of fighting the fire was subdued. Acres of pine, oak and hemlock trees, together with hundreds of cords of wood, were destroyed. The fire burned near the old Thompson farm and over the property of Henry R. Conklin and John Carll.

To Protect Little Neck Clams

The Fish Commissioner has sent a number of deputies to Little Neck to patrol the shores and prevent the taking of clams less than a square inch in size. This law has been openly violated for some time. The action of the commissioner was taken upon the complaint of several New York dealers.

No School Improvements Wanted

The proposition to raise $8,000 for the purpose of building an addition to the public school building at Islip did not meet with favor. A special meeting was held Wednesday to consider the matter, and upon a vote being taken, the resolution was defeated by a large majority.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, May 10, 1895, p. 8.

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