Saturday, July 26, 2008

New Room for Trustees

New York, 1895

The village trustees held a special meeting Saturday evening. President Twombly presided. John Harting was appointed poundmaster. The committee appointed to procure a suitable meeting room for the trustees were instructed that, if in their judgment the rooms on the second floor of the old trustees' hall on Union avenue were suitable, to have them put in order at once.

Improving County Buildings

Supervisors Everett and Pople, of the supervisors' committee on county clerk's and surrogate's office, on Tuesday inspected the upper floors of the county building at Jamaica with a view to recommending some plan for the improvement of the warming and ventilating arrangements.

The committee also met Tax Arrears Commissioner Townsend, and inspected the rooms on the third floor which the commission would like to have fitted for its use. Supervisor Pople advocated a system of hot water heating, and it is probable that the committee will so recommend to the board.

New School Contract Let

The board of education of the village of Jamaica held a meeting Thursday evening and awarded the contract for building the new high school to Frank Mapes & Son, of Brooklyn. The contractors commenced work on Monday. George Marshall was given the contract for excavating and cellar stone.

Good Government Nomination

The Good Government association of Jamaica held a meeting Thursday evening and nominated Arthur M. White for village trustee, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Charles E. Twombly who became president of the village.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, May 17, 1895, p. 8.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If anyone has any history on Charles Edward Twombly....plz email me with anything. I need some family tree assistance...

Thank you,

Jason Twombly