Monday, July 21, 2008

Improving Town Roads

New York, 1895

The Highway Commissioners Give Out the Farmers' Avenue Contract.

The highway commissioners met at their office in the Town Hall, Jamaica, on Tuesday. Commissioner Baker presided. On motion of Commissioner Wolff, the regular order of business was suspended, and bids for forming up Farmers' avenue were opened.

It was decided that, as the contractors must have their bills discounted or wait for the money until January, they be allowed to add the interest to their bids. Five bids were received as follows: William D. Hendrickson, $245, with interest, $260; L. E. Decker, $285, with interest, $300; George Marshall, $205.60, with interest, $220.60; Vreeland & Twombly, $200.95; John H. Valentine, $450. The contract was awarded to Vreeland & Twombly.

Plans and specifications for the grading of Hillside avenue were received and accepted, and on motion of Commissioner Wolff, it was ordered that bids for the work be advertised for.

Commissioner Baker was appointed a committee of one to wait upon the board of village trustees and confer with them relative to paying one-half the cost for putting in a culvert on South street, near Hollis.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, May 10, 1895, p. 1.

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