Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Work of the Trustees

New York, 1895


Mr. Lockwood Objects to being Taxed for the Shelton Avenue Improvements — Appointments Made and Salaries Fixed — New Health Board.

The village trustees held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday evening. President Twombly presided. The newly elected trustees, Messrs. Higgins, Foley and Carter took their seats.

President Twombly said he would not appoint the committees until after the special election had been held.

William B. Case asked if a pathway or street could not be opened to connect Union Hall street with New York avenue. No action was taken.

The Jamaica water supply company reported that a fire hydrant had been placed on Puntine street near the railroad.

The superintendent of streets reported that Evergreen avenue must be graded. The grading of Linden street would throw the water on Evergreen avenue and probably cause damage that the village would have to pay for. The work could be done for $75. On motion of Trustee Wyckoff, the superintendent of streets was directed to prepare a specification of the work to be done on Evergreen avenue, procure as many bids as possible for the work, and report to the board at its next meeting.

The superintendent of streets reported that the planking of the Long Island railroad crossing at Van Wyck avenue was too low. The railroad company wore directed to replank the crossing at once.

The superintendent also recommended that the railroad company be directed to lay iron pipe culverts at the Rockaway road crossing. Referred to the street committee. He also recommended that New York avenue be crowned up with dirt from Fulton street to the railroad.

Trustee Carter said that to crown the street with dirt would cost a good deal. The street should be macadamized. Laid over until the next meeting.

Charles Lockwood objected to being assessed for the Shelton avenue improvement. No improvement had been made in front of his property. The assessment should have been laid on the avenue from Grand street to Flushing avenue. Mr. Wyckoff said that the objection could have no effect whatever, and moved that the warrant be given to the collector to collect the assessments. So ordered.

The bond of the village treasurer was fixed at $40,000; village collector, $40,000; police justice, $250; superintendent of streets, $500; police constable, $500; pound master, $150. The salary of the clerk was fixed at $350; treasurer, $300; police justice, $100.

Trustee Van Allen said that Mr. Wright, superintendent of streets, had been a faithful officer, and had done good work on the streets, and he moved that his salary be fixed at $400.

Trustee Carter moved as an amendment that the salary be fixed the same as last year. "We have got to go slow in the matter of paying high salaries. We must bear in mind that Mr. Wright is receiving two salaries from the village, one for superintendent of shoots, and one as a

special officer, so that he is receiving about $500 a year.

Trustee Foley seconded Mr. Van Allen's motion. Trustee Wyckoff did not think Mr. Wright was getting so much from the village. Trustee Carter's amendment was lost.

Trustee Foley moved that Mr. Wright's salary be fixed at $300 per annum. Trustee Wyckoff moved as an amendment that Mr. Wright's salary be fixed at $250. The amendment was lost, and Mr. Foley's motion to make the salary $300 was carried.

Stephen S. Henderson was appointed Janitor of Trustees' Hall, and also to have charge of the electric fire alarm system, and his salary was fixed at $100.

THE FARMER were selected as an official newspaper.

John J. McLaughlin was continued as engineer in charge of the work now in progress on Herriman avenue without compensation. The time for completing the grading of Shelton avenue was extended for ten days.

Members of the village board of health were elected as follows: J. Augustus Shipley, George Marshall, Charles F. Doran, Charles Wooley, and Douglas Wilson. Thomas Carroll was appointed poundmaster and John White dog catcher.

Trustee Wyckoff moved that a committee of three be appointed to take into consideration the question of furnishing better accommodations for the meetings of the board, the present meeting room being too small.

The motion was carried and Trustees Van Allen, Foley and Wyckoff were appointed the committee.

Trustee Carter was appointed on the grade map committee in the place of Trustee Downing, whose term of office has expired.

The village trustees met again Saturday evening and audited bills. The name of Thomas Collins, who was appointed poundmaster on Thursday evening, was withdrawn.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, May 10, 1895, p. 1.

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