Friday, July 25, 2008

The Soldier's Monument

New York, 1895

A Contract for its Erection has Been Authorized.

The Soldiers and Sailors' Monument Association of Jamaica met Tuesday evening at the Town Hall. A resolution was passed authorizing the President and Secretary to enter into a contract with F. W. Ruckstuhl, of the National Sculpture Society, for the erection of the monument.

A committee consisting of John H. Brinckerhoff and J. Tyler Watts was appointed to lay out the ground and procure the building of the necessary foundations for the monument. The designers of the pedestal are the famous architects, Marsh, Israels & Harder, of New York. All the work, by the terms of the contract, is to be approved by the National Sculpture Society.

Everything indicates that this monument will be a beautiful work of art, and worthy of its high purpose.

The $6,000 already paid in has been contributed by about sixty citizens of the town. A great many others will gladly contribute to the fund, now that the work is under way. At least $2,500 more is required to complete the work, and the association feels confident that the amount will be speedily forthcoming.

Mr. Ruckstuhl, the sculptor, who has been selected to do the work, has recently designed a beautiful statue for the entrance to one of the parks in St. Louis, and is now engaged on another for the Washington library.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, May 17, 1895, p. 1.

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