Monday, July 7, 2008

First Meeting of the Excise Board of Jamaica

New York, 1895

The excise board of Jamaica held a meeting at the Town Hall on Monday, and organized by electing James P. Clark, president; Benjamin R. Clayton, treasurer, and William J. Broedel, secretary. When the matter of fixing the license fees was taken up, Commissioner Clayton said he wished they would draw a line between hotels and saloons. There were but a few hotels in the town, and the fee for a hotel should be $100. Saloon keepers, as the law is now, take out hotel licenses in order that they may sell on Sundays. There is not a hotel keeper in the town but can afford to pay $100 for a license.

Commissioner Broedel — "What was the fee last year?"

Commissioner Clark — "Sixty dollars."

Commissioner Broedel — "So far as I am concerned, it does not matter. It was understood that I was not a high license candidate, and I must satisfy the people who voted for me. They do not wish high license."

Commissioner Clayton — "If you consult the property owners and taxpayers wishes, you will find that they want high license."

Commissioner Broedel — "I move that the license fees be fixed the same as last year; Hotels, $60; saloons, $40; storekeepers', $50; druggists, $20.

The motion was adopted, Commissioner Clayton voting no.

On motion of Commissioner Broedel, John Fleming was appointed counsel to the board.

On motion of Commissioner Clayton, a resolution was passed that no application for license will be considered unless the fee accompanies the application.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, April 26, 1895, p. 8.

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