Monday, July 7, 2008

Petition for Highland Avenue Improvement Withdrawn

New York, 1895

The village trustees held a special meeting Monday evening to hear parties for and against grading a portion of Highland avenue. President Watts presided. Trustee Mills was absent. When the petition was taken up, Trustee Wyckoff did not think the petition could go through, as it was not sufficiently verified.

Trustee Van Allen — "None of the signers to that petition are skins. You know them all. I do not care whether it goes through or not."

On motion of Trustee Wyckoff, the petitioners were allowed to withdraw the petition to have it verified.

J. & T. Adikes were given permission to move the Everitt stable on Flushing avenue, in two sections, to their property on John street.

Permission was given William J. Ballard to move his house on Franklin street to the opposite side of the street.

The committee on lights were directed to have the ampere meters in the gas house and the office of J. Tyler Watts calibrated, to ascertain if they were in good working order.

Senator Childs' Good Work

Senator Childs has displayed such rare courage in the splendid fight made by him last week to save the Jamaica Normal school bill that we take great pleasure in commending his action. We will go even further, and say that during the present session of the Legislature he has made a most excellent record. — Long Island City Herald.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, April 26, 1895, p. 8.

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