Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Bicycle Railroad

New York, 1895

The Money for the Project Has Been Subscribed.

The Kings, Queens and Suffolk company, which is the one organized by Frederick W. Dunton to build the bicycle railroad, seems likely to start operations in a few days. During the winter the representatives of the company have been securing the financial support of the people on Long Island and have obtained subscriptions to the stock of the company from nearly two thousand people. With the money thus obtained the company feels justified, so President Dunton says, in proceeding with the work of construction. The first section of the railroad will be to Rockaway Beach and Far Rockaway.

Flushing's Hospital Problem

The citizens of Flushing thought that with the passage of the law authorizing the town to raise by taxation a sufficient amount each year for the support of the Flushing Hospital, the question of the continuance of that institution was finally settled. A new problem now confronts them in the fact that no portion of the appropriation of $6,000 will be available until January 1, 1896. The current expenses are $650 per month, and the management is already $1,500 in debt. An appeal was issued on Tuesday asking for public support of the institution until the appropriation becomes available. Unless assistance is promptly forthcoming the directors say they will close the hospital.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, April 26, 1895, p. 1.

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