Saturday, July 5, 2008

Canvassers Make a Recount

New York, 1895

The Board of Canvassers of Oyster Bay made a recanvass of the vote cast at the recent town meeting, in response to an order from Justice Dykeman. The canvassers made a mistake in counting the vote for assessor. They elected George Stearns, a Republican, by a small majority, when the face of the returns showed Peter Nibbe, a Democrat, to be the successful candidate.

Workmen Strike for Their Pay

Two hundred laborers, employed on the Long Island railroad extension to Wading River, struck on Wednesday because their wages had not been paid. The work will be finished in a few days, and the contractors intended to withhold the pay until the work was completed.

Silk Weavers Strike Ends

The weavers in the Rhenania Silk Mills, at College Point, who struck recently, returned to work on Friday. The men went out because they were assessed a dollar apiece for some silk which was spoiled.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, April 26, 1895, p. 1.

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