Saturday, July 5, 2008

Public School Affairs

New York, 1895

Apportionment of School Monies and Resignation of Teachers.

The Board of Education of Jamaica held their regular monthly meeting at the school building, Herriman avenue, on Wednesday evening. President Hoyt presided. The report of the truant officer for the month of April was received and placed on file.

A communication was received from School Commissioner Cooley as to the amount of public money appropriated to the school district for the year ending July 31, 1895, as follows: Supervision, $800; teachers' wages, $2,337.56; total, $3,137.50.

An application made by the young men's Christian association to hold meetings in the Union Hall seminary building Sunday afternoons was granted.

Several applications for positions as teachers were received. The resignations of Miss Louise Childs and Miss Helena Van Vleit as teachers were accepted, the same to take effect at the close of the school year. Replies from all of the other teachers signified their willingness to retain their present positions.

The bond of the contractor for building the new high school was fixed at $20,000. A special meeting will be called for the purpose of signing the contract.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, April 26, 1895, p. 1.

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