Thursday, July 3, 2008

Only Tax-Payers Can Vote

New York, 1895

At the charter election in the village of Jamaica on the 30th ult., several resolutions appropriating money will be voted upon. Under chapter 146, laws of 1895, only citizens who own property themselves, or in their wives, can vote on a resolution to appropriate money or purchase property. The law says:

"No person shall vote upon any proposition to raise a tax or appropriate the same or purchase property, unless at the time he offers his vote, he or his wife is the owner of property assessed upon the last preceding assessment roll of the village.

Mrs. Harris' Suit Dismissed

Sometime ago Mrs. Annie E. Harris, of Dunton, commenced a suit against Dr. Samuel Hendrickson, of Jamaica, for alleged malpractice, laying her damages at $25,000. Judge Barnard, sitting at Long Island City on Wednesday, dismissed the case, with costs to the plaintiff. Counselor Monfort represented Dr. Hendrickson.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, April 19, 1895, p. 8.

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