Thursday, July 3, 2008

Board of Health Organized

New York, 1895

The board of health of the town of Jamaica held a meeting at the Town Hall on Wednesday. Supervisor Everitt presided. George Shattuck, of Ozone Park, the newly elected citizen member, took his seat with the board for the first time.

Justice Lester and Health Officer Flynn were absent. The election of a health officer being in order, Dr. J. H. Augur, a newcomer, and Dr. Flynn were named. On the formal ballot Dr. Flynn received 4 votes and Dr. Auger 2. Dr. Flynn was declared elected.

The rules and regulations of last year were adopted.

On motion of Justice Lott, the secretary was directed to have six sign boards erected, two on Liberty avenue, two on the Old South road, and two on Broadway near the Kings County line, prohibiting the dumping of garbage on public or private grounds within the town.

Town Clerk McCook stated to the board that Dr. Flynn had reported to him that there were seven cases of scarlet fever at Ozone Park, and that they had been attended to.

The following bills were ordered paid: Charles H. Mahler, services as citizen member of the board, $14; Adam Busch, killing and burying two dogs by order of Justice Lott, $4; Benjamin A. Ashmead, killing and burying a dog by order of Justice Hendrickson, $2; Charles W. Baylis, serving notice, $2.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, April 19, 1895, p. 8.

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