Friday, August 15, 2008

A Republican View of It.

New York, 1895

Boss Youngs would be better pleased to have Edward N. Townsend in the Senate than John Lewis Childs. — Long Island Farmer.

We do not doubt that Mr. Youngs would rather have his fellow townsman, Edward N. Townsend, of Oyster Bay, elected than Senator Childs, though Townsend is a Democrat. The Townsend brothers and Youngs have always worked together, and the Oyster Bay Pilot, which is an ultra-Democratic paper conducted by the Townsends is always sounding the praises of Mr. Youngs and belittling the other Republican leaders. There is a lot of latent rascality in the Republican party and at the proper time the Herald will show who the rascals are and the jobs they have put up for the assassination of some of the candidates of the party, if certain gentlemen should happen to be those candidates. It will be a good thing for the party if these traitors are shown up in their true colors. — Long Island City Herald, Republican.

—Reprinted in The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, June 14, 1895, p. 5.

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