Friday, August 1, 2008

A $10,000 Fire at Huntington.

New York, 1895

The photographic supply factory of William H. Lewis of Huntington was completely gutted by fire at 10 o'clock Monday night and the loss will be about $10,000, only a small portion of which is covered by insurance.



The Removal of Lamps from Cabbage Fields to Places of Usefulness — Chichester Avenue Improvement Still Under Debate — The Garbage Dumping Ground Condemned.

The town board held a meeting at the Town Hall on Friday. Supervisor Everitt presided. Justice Lester was absent. The fire commissioners of Hollis appeared, as requested, in reference to the complaint made by the Hollis real estate company that the commissioners had removed four lamps from the company's land. The commissioners explained that when the lamps were located it was daylight, and when it was dark it was seen that the lamps that had been moved, only two, did not show to advantage, and they were put up in a section of the village where they were needed.

The lamps that were removed were in a cabbage lot, were there was no travel. The real estate company owns 5 acres of land on which there are only ten houses, and they had 16 lamps out of the 100. The explanation was entirely satisfactory to the board.

Justice Lott, of the water committee, in the matter of laying mains on Johnson street, Union Course, reported progress.

The committee to procure a safe for maps in the town clerk's office was directed to purchase one at a cost not to exceed $375.

The town clerk was directed to notify Thomas Foley and John Adikes, owners of the buildings on the property purchased for Town Hall purposes, to have the same removed by May 31.

The following bills were ordered paid: G. H. Fertsch, one dozen chairs for highway commissioners' room, $19; Joseph Barrat, services as deputy sheriff, $6.25; J. H. Ivell, painting roof and leaders on Town Hall, $56.90; William N. Morrell, services as ballot clerk, $6; T. F. Archer's Sons, rent of room for election purposes, $10.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, May 31, 1895, p. 1.

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