Monday, July 7, 2008

A Locomotive at East Hampton

New York, 1895

For the first time the shriek of a locomotive whistle has aroused the echoes of East Hampton and brought curious villagers to their doors. The Long Island railroad company is extending its tracks from Bridgehampton through the place, and the work has progressed sufficiently for the running of construction trains. The branch will be extended as far as Amagansett.

The Newtown Creek Nuisances

The Mayor of Long Island City appeared before Gov. Morton Thursday afternoon to urge that the ten days' time accorded the local authorities in which to abate the Newtown Creek nuisances should be extended, as it was a physical impossibility to comply with the terms of the Governor's proclamation within the time specified, for in order to abate the nuisances an intercepting sewer would have to be constructed.

Henry Ward Beecher

said: "The man that makes a blade of grass to grow where none grew before is a benefactor to his race." We say, follow this saying, beautify your homes with nice plants, and use our seeds; they will grow. We have all kinds of plants for all purposes. Cut flowers always on hand. J. B. Cooper, 70 Fulton Street.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, April 26, 1895, p. 8.

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