Thursday, July 3, 2008

Good Government Club Ticket

New York, 1895

The Good Government Association of Jamaica held a meeting Tuesday evening and made the following ticket for village officers: President, Charles E. Twombly; trustees, Thomas Foley, Thomas Higgins and Lewis S. Cooper; clerk, George L. Powell; treasurer, Alfred H. Beers; collector, Elmer E. Bergen; police justice, F. E. Detheridge; police constable, John S. Hendrickson; superintendent of streets, William Wright.

Golf at Babylon

C. A. W. Fox, of the Meadow Brook club, will superintend the construction of the golf greens that August Belmont proposes to have established on his estate at Babylon. This will he a twelve hole course, with a circuit of two and three-quarter miles. The greens may be extended to eighteen holes, with a circuit of three and a half miles. The cost of construction will be about $6,000, with an additional outlay of $2,000 per year to keep the grounds in order.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, April 19, 1895, p. 8.

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